Where should I start?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions–so we thought we would give you some suggestions to help you find the classes that suit your needs, most!

If you are a beginner or just trying to learn your body, we suggest trying gentle yoga, all levels flow, beginner’s yoga, ballet barre, and chair yoga. These classes will help you get your footing and feel like you are learning many of the movements you will need to confidently move through as you progress to other options!

If you feel you are an intermediate student, we suggest any classes on our schedule to help you challenge yourself, push yourself further, and know where your limitations are. If you feel you can’t do something, you will know you can work up to it with practice!

If you feel you are an advanced student, any class on the schedule is for you. We hope to help you learn to work to your edge in each class–knowing it never becomes ‘easy’ because we are always hoping to push ourselves further!

If you are looking to relax, we suggest restorative yoga, yin and yin+yasa, gentle yoga, and meditation classes.

If you are looking to sculpt and tone your body, we suggest pilates, barre, buti, yoga sculpt, and step classes. We have ankle weights and light weights you can always add to your workout routine to give you a little extra you may be looking for.

If you are looking to sweat, we suggest any of our hot classes, step, cardio classes, power, sculpt and buti classes! Many of our classes are going to help you sweat, even if you don’t expect it!

If you are pregnant, we suggest gentle yoga, yin, all levels flow, and any other classes you feel comfortable modifying to your level and stage of pregnancy. Typically in pregnancy, a good rule of thumb is if you did it BEFORE your pregnancy, you can do it as long as you feel capable DURING your pregnancy! We can offer modifications and suggestions for safe practices, as well as when you should stop certain core movements and back bending for your own recovery health during post-partum.

If you feel you are overweight or body conscious, we suggest coming to anything. NO ONE is here to judge you–we’re just proud you’re taking time to move with us!